Thursday 28 November 2013

Status of NBFCs in India by Amit Kumar Verma, 12IB-006, EBUS-C


A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of shares, stock, bonds purchase, insurance business, or chit business: but does not include any institution whose principal business is that includes agriculture or industrial activity; or the sale, purchase or construction of immovable property.

A non-banking institution which is a company and which has its principal business of receiving deposits under any scheme or arrangement or any other manner, or lending in any manner is also a non-banking financial company (residuary non-banking company).


NBFC Vs Bank

Difference between a NBFC and a Bank is that NBFC's cannot accept demand deposits whereas, banks can accept and also NBFC's can't issue cheques to its customer.



It is mandatory for every NBFC to be registered with RBI

There are three different types of NBFC's registered with RBI. They are as follows:-

Ø  Asset Finance Company (AFC) - AFC could be defined as any such financial company which as a part of its objective finances physical assets like tractors, automobiles, lathe machines, generator and material handling equipment.

Ø   Investment Company (IC)

Ø  Loan Company (LC)

Key Notes

Ø  All NBFC's cannot accept public deposits, only those NBFC's who hold a valid certificate can hold/accept public deposits

Ø  They can accept deposits only for a period of 12-60 months and these deposits are not payable on demand

Ø  NBFC's can offer a maximum of 11% interest rate as per ceiling declared by RBI.

Ø  Deposits in NBFC's are uninsured

Ø  RBI doesn't guarantees repayment by NBFC's

Ø  NBFC's are not authorized to offer any gifts or promotional offers as a part of account opening

Ø  List of all the registered NBFC's can be found on the website of RBI

Ø  Like the banks NBFC's, also offer nomination facility

Ø  Unrated NBFC's except certain AFC's cannot accept public deposits

Ø  If a NBFC defaults in its payment of deposits then consumers can knock the doors of Company Law Board or can go to Consumer Forum or can file a law suit

Ø  Till date there is not any Ombudsman available for hearing of complaint against NBFC's.

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