Monday 18 November 2013

Blog entry

"This much-coveted, much-written-about, much-craved-for vegetable is now almost as expensive as caviar, diamonds and Donald Trump's wig!" That's how Groupon describes the onion on its website.

While high prices were making people shed tears for onions before they are even chopped, Groupon India created buzz in the market place by selling the crop for Rs 9 for a kilogram. In this offer, Groupon sold onions to first 3000 bidders daily for seven days. The last time onions were sold at this price was in 1999.

For this scheme, Groupon tied up with a Delhi based onion wholesaler for the supply of 22,500 kg onions. The crop was then packed in air tight packaging and kept in a very damp environment to maintain the quality of the product.

Ankur Warikoo, CEO says about the marketing initiative that it was not about profit or loss, but to generate shock and awe among the customers and spread brand awareness, an objective that was achieved as both the social and international media ran the story as their headline.

Thanks and Regards

Akul Kailwoo


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