Monday 28 October 2013

Re: 1st blog for E-Business (12DCP-123)

Some ideas to improve the performance of e-business


1.    Welcome the new subscribers

Develop separate strategies to encourage the first purchase of the new subscribers. Features like info about the products and discounts to convert into a sale should be developed.

2.    Use responsive design 

This particular design enables customers to transact through any device be it online or any mobile device with the same level of ease and security. The website developed for one platform gets adjusted automatically to others according to the screen size.

Develop APIs to grow the business


Either develop an API or buy a packaged solution to create apps that can link to the online store. This will lead to increased usage and there by increased sales. 

5.    Shortest 'click-to-cart' path

By maintaining the click-to-cart path as short as possible, the company can provide a better user experience and there by boost their sales.


To stand out of the clutter of promotional activities facing customer everyday, it is important to tailor the message based on the customer's preferences or past purchase behaviors.

6.    Use product demo videos 

Product demo videos are a better option than the images as they give a clear understanding to the user about its features. This may result in high conversion rate, which in turn boosts the revenues.

Vaibhav Agrawal



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