Monday 28 October 2013

Ganesh - 12 DCP-061-takeaways from class on Tatkal booking ,website advertisement structure , entrepreunership video

We started the class with the discussion on Indian Railways , about the Tatkal booking system . We discussed whether Indian Railways really had to upgrade their infrastructure to support the peak demand they faced during 8 Am to 10 Am .
If we upgrade the capacity utilization would be only 40 % during off peak time .

Then we talked about Bouncer ads on Flipkart the idea behind is ( come inside buy more or go out !!!)  WE also saw how the webpage was structured in to different areas for showing ads and most popular features( most of which i have forgotten). also how flipkart had given importance to the security feature on the top right  corner.

Also we talked about how the word of mouth was important in influencing customers to buy online

Also we talked hwo most businesses were evolving towards  Local .

also we saw that in B2C there is no money .

We learnt about some models such as Agora ,Aggregator, INtegratore ( Dell).

From the video which was shown most people leave their jobs due to the voice inside them telling them " I have to do something on my own for myself "


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