Monday 21 October 2013

Re: E-Business section C, blog content to the following session 14.10.2013

Borislava Borisova <> schrieb am 20:15 Sonntag, 20.Oktober 2013:

The subject of the last E-Business lecture was to differentiate the both main business models in E-Commerce, namely Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) business models.
We considered first the relevant B2C business models such:
1. Community provider (sites where individuals with particular interests, common experience etc. can come together and meet online). Examples are: Facebook, makemytrip,
2. Content provider (information and entertainment providers and other online services that offer customer up-to-date news), examples:, Euronews
3. Transaction broker (they process online sales transaction, that increase customer's productivity by helping them get things done faster and more cheaply. For every transaction the customers are charged respectively.
4. Market creator (web based business that use internet to create markets that bring buyers and sellers together), examples: Ebay, shopify
After that we discussed the B2B business models:
1. E- distibutor (single firm online version of retail and wholesale store, supply maintenance, repair, operation goods), examples:
2. E-procurement (firms create digital markets where sellers and buyers transact for indirect inputs), examples: Ariba
3. Single firm (company-owned network to coordinate supply chains with a limited set of partners.

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