Monday, 28 October 2013

My blog for this week

Exploring newer aspects of E-business.

E-business, as the world looks at it is only confined to making business transactions across internet through a screen placed in front of the consumers that provides as an interface fro ease in access. To stretch it to some extent, the world includes commerce through mobile devices either through apps or other aids. Another aspect to E-business quite rarely heard about is marketing through visualization of inanimate objects creating an experience of presence of an object or person in a virtual space that does not exist in the real world. This is done through the technology of Augmented Reality.

Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one's current perception of reality. By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements, such as sports scores on TV during a match. With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulable. Artificial information about the environment and its objects can be overlaid on the real world.
Regards and Thanks,
Alnoor Virani

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