Sunday 27 October 2013

E-Business article



Customers scroll down to see the list of products, a few of them they really like but many times they don't go for the purchase. Retargeting is a solution to this kind of  problem where even when customer finds a lucrative offer and still leaves out without any purchase. In retargeting we have shoppers banner ads which shows products which the customer looked earlier. This is easy to implement and can be very much effective.

Live Chat:-

One can answer customer's questions, concerns instantly and can boost the sales. Live chat will answer why a shopper leaves the site without actually purchasing something. An FAQ can be made using the concerns raised during the live chat. These FAQ will help the future shoppers who are normally reluctant to use features like live chat due to several reasons.

Checkout Abandonment Emails:-

A Listrak 2013 report shows that around 73 percent time shoppers abandon a checkout process. A process that will remind shoppers about the products left at the checkout. This is certainly going to boost the sales. To do this process the retailer must know the email address of the shopper. So a database must be there at place of all the shoppers. This will show positive results both in terms of sales and the relationship between retailer and shopper. 

Ankit Kumar Mishra
IMT Ghaziabad

Contact No. - +91-8447195057

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